If you have navigated to this site, I presume that you, too, are a space enthusiast. Welcome!
I am fortunate enough to have witnessed the birth of the Space Age, when humankind made its first steps beyond Mother Earth. It seemed that every day saw a new, exciting 'first' in the exploration of the unknown.
First came Sputnik, whose beeping radio signal and heavy-lift launcher sent Western governments into a state of panic. Then came chimps, dogs and dummies, preparing the way for humans. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit the Earth, and since then almost 600 people have experienced the wonder of circling the planet once every 90 minutes at a speed of around 17,000 mph.
Having formerly been a full-time teacher for 16 years and Head of Geography at a state secondary school, I was lucky enough to be able to change my career in mid-stream and pursue my life-long fascination with astronomy and space exploration.
Nowadays, I enjoy passing on my knowledge about the "Final Frontier" through writing, talks and frequent postings on Twitter/X (see https://twitter.com/peterbondspace). The following pages explain a little more of my background and my work.